Ackermann Maple Farm- We first started our little sugaring operation in 2013, when we were full of ambition to make something off the land and determined to work for ourselves. We’ve since grown our business to 10,000 maple trees on 148 acres, and make roughly 5,000 gallons of maple syrup every spring.


Ackermann Maple Farm- We first started our little sugaring operation in 2013, when we were full of ambition to make something off the land and determined to work for ourselves. We’ve since grown our business to 10,000 maple trees on 148 acres, and make roughly 5,000 gallons of maple syrup every spring.

Ackermann Maple Farm knows that quality syrup is crafted from Vermont’s sugar maples.  In the fall of 2012, Ian and Caitlin Ackermann enlisted the help of their family and friends to construct the sugar shack using wood sustainably harvested and milled by Ian himself. There, the sap that flows from just over 6,400 trees is heated using a natural wood fire, evaporating the water from the sap and drawing out the pronounced natural maple flavor Vermont is known for. Since the ages of 20 and 24, they have worked to promote Ackermann Maple Farm. The syrup is bottled and sealed in glass containers by Caitlin and Ian themselves so that they can assess and assure the quality of each bottle shipped. Glass containers are better for the environment and better preserve the syrup than their plastic counterpart for an increased shelf life.